Senin, 31 Januari 2011

Analytical Exposition

Internet is Necessary for People

In the world, people often use internet. It is necessary to do any work from it, example : business, trading, communication, knowledge, etc. Why do I say that ?
The first, internet can make a friendship by facebook, twitter, wireclub, yahoo. We can chat with friends, it will be enjoyable if you are bored. This phenomenon seems in students.
Secondly, internet also give us knowledge. People can collect the urgent information from various sites. There are advantage and disadvantage in it. Example advantage are trading blog, businessing blog, etc.
Thirdly, there are some thiefs steal by internet, but it’s not good. In internet depends on the goal people. Lot of people are misusing internet. So, the government give pacification for cyber criming.
Thus, from the elaboration above, it can be concluded that internet is necessary for people.

By : Prajna P.M.

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